Expert at Complex IT Solutions

kozbesz_gomb Approved tenderer

We are on the official list of approved tenderers in the categorie of:

  • IT-services (consulting, software development, internet and support)

The certification can also be seen on the homepage of Public Procurement Authority in the menu of „Lists and related documents”.


kozbesz_gomb  Centralized Procedures

Application development and operational support services (DKM01SWF21, DKM02SWF21)

The contract and the valid pricelist can be seen on here and here.


Provision of EU-funded application development services (DKM01SWFE21, DKM02SWFE21)

The contract and the valid pricelist can be seen on here and here.


Source system related services (DKM01KGR21)

The contract and the valid pricelist can be seen on here.


Purchase of servers and storage and related services (DKM01SRVVT21, DKM02SRVVT21)

The contract and the valid pricelist can be seen on here and here.


Answare Ltd. is also a subcontractor in the following framework agreements under the DKÜ centralised procurement:

The contract and the valid pricelist can be seen on here and here, here and here.