Expert at Complex IT Solutions

Services and solutions focusing on the area of application

Our company offers the experience and knowledge gained by R&D and implementation projects on the area of e-Health on the following fields:

  • medical process management systems, process-oriented healthcare systems for healthcare providers and pharmaceutical industry (Our company has developed a prototype of a TELeHEALTH system through the eHEALTH8 R&D project, which is founded fully on process management basis):
    • Supporting medical guideline based care processes
    • On both areas, we offer the analysis, formalization and/or (re)design of corresponding - healthcare, nursing, rehabilitation, drug testing - processes (protocols), the specification, design, development of the process oriented information system and the integration with other - e.g. ERP, diagnostic, telemedicine - systems. We also provide support services to help the operation of the developed integrated system.
  • Telemedicine systems for healthcare providers (The more efficient operation of health care providers are supported by numerous IT solutions. The telemedicine solutions transfer one part of the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures from specialist to the primary care or the home of the patient. By releasing the limited and expensive institute resources and using cost efficient remote procedures, the efficiency of the institute's operation can improve. For the cutback, where it is proven, exact planning and exact definition of the tasks of the participants are needed. The process management subsystems provide support, that plays a useful role in the planning and coordination of the efficient and effective telemedicine based health care.):
    • Telemedicine systems
    • Because of their potential in increasing the efficiency and enhancing treatment-loyalty in healthcare processes, and due to their important role played in the provision of higher level services to patients, telemedicine services are increasingly gaining ground on the field of healthcare services by supplementing conventional care processes. To our customers we offer services on the field of planning, building and running telemedicine services: from the detailed survey of applicability of telemedicine on specific healthcare areas, through the design, development, integration of the necessary equipment and subsystems, to the support of roll-out and operation.


The partial or complete migration of a company's IT systems to the cloud or replacing an own IT system with cloud services is a complex decision, which has technological, security, business and legal consequences. Within the framework of the planning and supporting services, we support the decision making process of the cloud migration by assessing the client's requirements (which analyzes in detail the various feasibility options), and if the customer decides to move to the cloud, we provide assistance and expertise during the whole project implementation, and provide support by answering and resolving the questions and problems concerning the developed solution and in its further development too.

Our experts have significant knowledge in the areas of IaaS and PaaS, and our main focuses are the Amazon Cloud portfolio and the OpenStack Cloud solution.